perjantai 3. huhtikuuta 2015

Beach Babe's Easter Cake

Happy Easter Bunnies!

Happy Quasimodo after managing first full body workout in almost two weeks!
I have been on my feet all day, walked the dog, did a training with rubber band, baked an oat bread, made delicious soup for lunch and created a marvelous tasting raw "cheese" cake (the first one I've ever made!). Most importantly my back has for the first day this week felt good enough for me not to take any painkillers for it. Still can't move my head all the way but hey, baby steps!

For someone used to heavy weights (I can lift my 90kg fiancé up ;)) I was doubtful about the effectiveness of  using a rubber band but it's surprisingly tough!
I've had some back problems for quite a while now and this has made normal living difficult. Waking up in the middle of the night to the feeling like someone is stabbing your back and neck, not being able to drive the car normally after a day at the office etc. I'm familiar with bad back pain as I have been diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis but never before had problems with the upper back/neck area. Next week I start an intensive period of physiotherapy which together with regular movement and not sitting for too long at one go, should get me back on track.

Today's delicious soup with leek, potato, coconut milk, fennel seeds, cumin, basil and thyme.
With my tricky back and our wedding coming up this summer I've not only had to change the way I workout but also change the way I eat. Everyone in my family knows that I can smell sugar from 10km distance and no stash is well enough hidden for this cookie monster! When I was a kid I always found my parents exotic hidden chocolates they brought from travels or the leftover candy from birthday parties. I wasn't allowed to eat candy more than once a week but I had my ways (also always got caught - darn!) :). I think I'll always struggle with sugar and emotional eating but during the past 1,5 years I've learned to find a balance and mainly eat foods that make me feel good for longer that it takes to destroy a Snickers bar. 

I have at least one cup of coffee a day and tend to calm that moment and really enjoy the taste.
If you managed to read this far, congratulations - it's time to live up to the headline and reveal what the cake's about! That's why you came to read this isn't it? This time I made something a little more healthy. This cake has all natural ingredients, it's gluten and lactose free and has 0% white sugar in it but 100% yummy taste. So much healthier than its' New York sister but don't be fooled by the sweet healthy looks of it, you won't look like a beach babe by eating the whole cake, one slice is satisfying enough, even to a sweet tooth like myself :)

Beach Babe's Easter Cake
serves 8-10, time 40 min 

1,5 dl pecan nuts, walnuts or other
1 dl dates (if not really moist, let rest in water for 30min)
hint of good quality salt (sea salt, Camargue)

3 dl Cashew nuts (soak in water overnight)
juice of 2 lemons
1 tea spoon vanilla extract (non alcohol)
1 dl melted coconut oil
1 dl honey

2-3 dl strawberries
1-2 table spoons of raw chocolate powder

Mix the ingredients of the base in a blender on highest volume. When you have a smooth mixture, spread evenly on a cake plate (preferably one of those where you can separate the bottom from sides). 

If you have a wide cake plate (more than 20cm) I'd recommend to make double portion of filling. I didn't and ended up having quite a thin cake although it still tasted great :). 

Melt coconut oil and honey on a low temperature until clear (if your coconut oil is already in liquid form due to high room temperature, these can be tossed right away to blender), mix with all other ingredients except strawberries and chocolate powder in blender (use highest gear) for a good two minutes until you have a smooth texture. Take one third of the mixture to a separate bowl, mix with raw chocolate powder and spread over the base of the cake. Once done, take half of the remaining filling, this time spreading just as it is on top of the chocolate layer. Finally, throw the berries in the blender and mix until smooth. Taste if it needs more sweetener. Spread on top of the cake and cover up with tin foil and place to freezer. Let rest for a few hours. 

Before serving let rest on room temperature for 15-20 minutes so the cake has time to melt. Cut with warm cake knife and decorate with berries or raw chocolate covered nuts. Enjoy!

This recipe is originally taken from My New Roots and then modified a little for my taste.

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